Universal Harness tengi tryggir að GO-9 staðsetningarkubbur sé vel varin fyrir hnjaski og höggum frá ökumanni. Þannig er tryggt að tenging rofnar síður og OBD tengi haldist að sama skapi opið fyrir hefbundnar verkstæðis greiningar án þess að fjarlægja GO-9 kubbinn.
Universal OBDII T-Harness Kit – Multi-connector kit includes a T-harness and twelve different mounting adapters for use in most light-duty and medium-duty international vehicles. Eliminates the need to know vehicle information in advance. Note: The State of California currently prohibits Installing HRN-GS16K2 in a manner that relocates the in-vehicle diagnostic connector. See PAC-INSUPH12 (goo.gl/1Vninm) for guidance on installing this harness using a direct plugin installation method without relocating the data link connector
Universal OBDII T-Harness Kit for the GO device. Multi-adapter kit consisting of a T-harness (HRN-BM16T2) and 12 different mounting adapters for use in most light-duty, medium-duty, and heavy-duty vehicles, and is compatible with most models globally.
Further Information
Documentation: Support Document, Installation Instructions; Additional installation instructions: Mitsubishi Fuso 2010-2021 GO9 Installation
Replaces: HRN-BE16T2, HRN-BG16T2, HRN-BF16T2, HRN-BS16T2, HRN-BT16T2
Length: 60 centimeters / 24 inches
Purpose: Used to extend the placement of the GO device. Required on vehicles where the ALDL (OBD vehicle connection) is located in an area that may cause the GO device to impede the driver. Also required for vehicles where the recess of the ALDL location prevents the GO device from connecting properly. The 12 different mounting adapters allow for installation in different vehicle makes and/or models. Region specific manufacturing, but no functionality differences.